1, Click on the Apple Logo in the top left of your screen and select 'System Preferences'
2, Once in System Preferences choose 'Network'
3, Once inside the Network Preferences, click the + in the bottom left of the screen
4, A new window will pop down. Under Interface choose 'VPN'
5, Under VPN Type choose 'L2TP over IPSec'
6, Rename the VPN to a name that is suitable for you. Click 'Create'
7, Add the 'Server Address' and your 'Account Name / Username' that have been provided to you separately. Generally this is set to osxserver. followed by your relevant domain name
8, Click on 'Authentication settings'. This will open a new window. Add your 'Password' and the 'Shared Secret' that have been provided to you
9, Click Apply and then click Connect to make sure that the connection works. Make sure 'Show VPN status in menu bar' is ticked. By doing this you have quick access to connect to the VPN