Welcome to the Applecheck Service Portal

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Thanks for looking, please read the following info in order to understand what the Applecheck Service Portal is used for. We promise to make this Snappy!

So, you are experiencing a technical issue or just need to get in touch with us.

Simply visit the Applecheck Service Portal by clicking on the Applecheck icon in your Dock (Download Here).

You will then be taken to our page presenting you with the following options.


By "Clicking" this button you will begin the process of Submitting a New Service Ticket / Request.

*Note: If you have recently submitted or received a ticket for the issue / subject, then please choose Option 2 (Below) to read / update.

Once you have clicked on this button, you will see the following page. Please provide us with the relevant "Subject", "Machine / Service" (Where Applicable) and "Description" details, upload a file if necessary, then click "Submit".


That's it, you are Done!

Once you have submitted the ticket, this will flag up in our system and you will receive a confirmation email with all of the information that has been sent.

After receiving the ticket, we will soon be in touch with you.


By "Clicking" this button you can view all of your tickets that are currently Open, Awaiting Reply or Solved and update where necessary (As Below).

*Note: Please do not update old solved tickets, choose Option 1.



 If you still haven't had enough, please click here to see how to "Edit your profile".

Have more questions? Submit a request


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